I was checking out the Texas Twins when I noticed Madison Hart, the blonde beauty in picture getting plowed and loving it. She’s a real cutie and it looks like she’s grown up quite a bit by the time this scenes was shot, which is probably quite recent because the last time I saw her, which doesn’t even feel that long ago she was doing some ‘just 18’ type work and she barely looked 18.
Still they are tiny at Tiny4K just like the name implies. I used to date a girl when I was in high school that actually looked a little like the Texas Twins but her hair was even lighter. It had the same big curls though. She was gorgeous and never would let me take her virginity. We were only 15 then though.
By the way, why not use our Tiny4K discount and save 67% off the regular membership price. That’s a pretty big saving to say the least and cuts your contribution right down to less than 10 bucks for a month.